Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a chronic, degenerative neurological disorder that affects both voluntary and involuntary movement.
Tremor, rigidity, freezing in place, pain, muscle cramps, swallowing difficulty, balance problems, and dementia are only a few PD symptoms which can cause debilitation. Currently there is no cure, however, various treatment options can offer PD patients temporary relief from symptoms.
Parkinson’s Disease is second only to Alzheimer’s disease as a degenerative neurological disorder. In the United States, PD affects more people than the combined total of those suffering from multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS).
Over 1.5 million people in the United States suffer from PD. A new case of PD is diagnosed every nine (9) minutes. The average age of diagnosis is 58 years old. However, PD also strikes people in their 30’s and 40’s. Over 50,000 people in Michigan have PD. Thirty percent are under the age of 50. PD has been called a family disorder because caregivers are crucial for the well-being of the PD patient. Respite care and the high cost of medications are critical concerns.
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PAWM is a source for PD related information. We help promote many different PD related activities, including online information, programs on physical and speech therapy, relaxation training, and other measures which are important in learning to live with PD. You may choose to learn about home health care or to hear presentations by neurologists and other health professionals with PD experience and training. Having this website will allow us to keep our information current and easy for you to access anytime, day or night.
PAWM is constantly searching for and providing current information pertaining to research, treatment, and topics that would be of interest to people with PD, their families, and their caregivers.
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