Wall of Sponsors and Partners
The PAWM Board of Directors would like to thank all of our past and present Corporate Sponsors that have made donations of their time, materials, and/or services. These thoughtful and wonderful sponsors are helping PAWM make a difference in the community and meet our mission and annual goals. Please patronize these companies whenever possible to show your gratitude that they are helping all of us. (Just click on an image below to get more information.)
Ways You can Help our Mission
Make an Online Donation
Please use our online donation system to help us meet our mission either as an Individual Donor or a Corporate Sponsor.
The form is not published.
On Monday, August 29, 2022, the Parkinson's Association of West Michigan will host its 30th Annual Don and Sara Butcher Family Charity Golf Scramble. This event will be held in Grand Rapids at the beautiful Thornapple Pointe Golf Course. All funds raised will go to support educational and supportive programs and activities for those impacted by Parkinson's Disease and their caregivers.
We need your help to make this event a success. All sponsors are invited to the reception and awards dinner. We are asking businesses and individuals in our community to play an important role through a sponsorship or a contribution in any of these categories.
If your sponsorship offers "complimentary golf entries," please include the name(s) of the golf participants for which these entries will be reserved in the NOTES field so that those spot(s) can immediately be reserved.
Click this link to display the details of what each sponsorship level includes.
We also need contributions towards door prizes, golf prizes, and auction items. We appreciate your consideration of our event and the mission we are trying to fulfill.
For any contributions using a check, please select "Offline Donation" and follow the directions for the mailing of the payment.
For tangible donations towards the door prizes, golf prizes, or auction items, please contact Joe Butcher (Golf Event Chairperson) directly for details (butch7787@gmail.com, 517-896-3541).
Because Parkinson’s Association of West Michigan (PAWM) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, all gifts are tax-deductible as provided by law. All funds received will be used responsibly and will directly serve the West Michigan Parkinson’s community in the most fiscally prudent way. Thank you in advance for your donation toward our efforts to educate and support the needs of the Parkinson’s community of West Michigan.
For any contributions using a check, please select “Offline Donation” and follow the directions for mailing in the payment.
Our online payment system is safe, secure, quick, and easy. Your payment can be completed in a matter of minutes using a PayPal account, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover debit/credit card.
NOTE: For the Golf Sponsorships, please close this window and use the "Golf Sponsorship" page because there are more sponsorship options specific to the Golf Event.
Mail in your check or money order
Please make your check or money order payable to “Parkinson’s Association of West Michigan” and mail it to:
Parkinson’s Association of West Michigan
7311 Crystal View Drive SE (NEW ADDRESS)
Caledonia, MI 49316
Donate stocks, bonds, or other tangible products
We have a strong relationship with the Grand Rapids Community Foundation (GRCF). They can streamline the process and effortlessly accept any stocks, bonds, endowments, living will benefits, or any other tangible asset on our behalf. Please contact either us during regular office hours or GRCF to make prior arrangements for this type of donation:
Jenine Torres
185 Oakes Street SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616-454-1751, ext. 126