General Information
Detailed Information

Please, for the safety of the group, be vaccinated and boosted 2 weeks prior to attending these meetings.

Generation Care Health Center sponsors this Support Group for the Spring Lake and Muskegon areas.  We hope you can attend! It is not necessary to RSVP, but it is recommended.  Come and learn all about our PD programs involving education, exercise, special events, and some fun, too!

Following the Support Group Discussion, a short session of exercise is held (optional of course).

Looking for individuals to volunteer! We have many opportunities for you to get involved and invest in this group. Please see any of the facilitators if you are interested!

  1. Setup- Prepare room, bring a snack, be a greeter.
  2. Testimonials- Volunteer to bring the story of your journey with Parkinson’s.
  3. Librarian- Bring a current event in regards to Parkinson’s Research.

And many more ways to help support our group!

If you have any questions, please call Generation Care Clinic (231-737-4374) or any of the therapists on the Parkinson’s Team will be happy to assist you:

  • Pat Green, 231-740-1967
  • Eileen O’Brien, 231-955-0198
  • Barbara McFadden, 231-755-8067

For the most current schedule CLICK HERE.  Contact one of the therapists noted above to verify if a new/updated schedule is available.

Support Groups Offered
The Group meets every FIRST WEDNESDAY of EACH MONTH, from 10:30am until about 12:00 noon.
Contact Information
Patti Green
Support Group Leader
Beth O'Brien
Support Group Leader