Our Mission
Provide the best information about opportunities, treatment, research, and care for people with PD, their caregivers, and their families.
What PAWM Provides
PAWM is located in beautiful Grand Rapids, Michigan, and serves the Greater Grand Rapids area as well as the Lakeshore areas, such as the communities of Holland and Muskegon. We are committed to helping Parkinson’s Disease (PD) patients and their families/caregivers understand PD and learn about activities and support groups that may help with the management of PD.
PAWM is a source of PD-related information. We help promote many different PD-related activities, including online information, programs on physical and speech therapy, relaxation training, and other measures which are important in learning to live with PD. You may choose to learn about home health care or to hear presentations by neurologists and other health professionals with PD experience and training.
PAWM is constantly searching for and providing current information pertaining to research, treatment, and topics that would be of interest to people with PD, their families, and their support persons.
PAWM provides the following services for people with PD, their families, and support persons:
- Timely and accurate information via this website, Facebook, emails, and printed material;
- A dynamic Search Engine providing a wide range of PD Information, including books, local support groups, clinical trials, and information on specialized services, such as a Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Support Group;
- A connection to exercise and other special classes for people with PD;
- Notification of opportunities to participate in PD-related studies;
- Lectures and events featuring PD experts;
PAWM Board of Directors
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